The ZTS/ZTG harness adapter allows the selection of preferred source with the ease of selector switch. When the selector switch is on Source 1 preferred; the voltage, position, and solenoid signals will be in factory default. Once the selector switch is on Source 2 preferred; the voltage, position, and solenoid signals will be swapped between Normal and Emergency by the internal relays. Unlike R26 option, MX150/250 will always display the default home screen regardless S1 or S2 preferred.
The adapter has 6 mounting holes and it comes with:
1. Male-to-Male JC harness, Qty = 1.
2. Male-to-Male J5 harness, Qty = 1.
3. Male-to-Male J6 harness, Qty = 1.
4. Selector switch, Qty = 1.